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How can I be member ?

Posted: Fri 20 May 2005, 13:49
by zoubou
I'm trying to log in but it doesn't work. A message appears that says that my password is invalid or it doesn't exist.
I want to appear as member of the forum and not as a guest. What am I doing wrong ? :roll:

Posted: Sat 21 May 2005, 01:06
by Poisy
First of all, after you have registered, an email will be sent to you for conformation of your registration. Once you confirm it, you may login.
Let me know if it doesnt help.

Posted: Fri 02 Jun 2006, 17:14
by Teuta
A vot moya podruga tozhe ne mozhe pisat' hotya zaregistrovalas' (Maracro). Ona ne pluchila e-mail. Chto delat'?

Pozhaluysta, otvetite kto-nibud'. Hel ne otvetila na moy PM.

Posted: Sat 03 Jun 2006, 21:09
by Mystery girl
Простите, у меня была зачетная неделя, сейчас дам доступ.

Posted: Mon 05 Jun 2006, 10:01
by Teuta
Mystery girl wrote:Простите, у меня была зачетная неделя, сейчас дам доступ.
spasibo bol'shoe!

Posted: Tue 06 Jun 2006, 22:18
by Mystery girl
Не за что :)

Posted: Mon 07 Aug 2006, 13:33
by Teuta
chto s toboy? Ty sovsem brosyila nas? :cry: Nam snova nuzhna tvoya pomoch'. Sluchilos' to zhe, chto i s Maracro, no teper' problem imeet Ana SD. Pomogi, pozhaluysta.

Spasibo zaranee!